Investing · · 10 min read

December Portfolio Update: Coins to Avoid and New Moon Bags

Bitcoin fell short of forecasts but not before I collected a few more moon bags. Institutional money is here and so is my portfolio update.

December Portfolio Update: Coins to Avoid and New Moon Bags

This month's portfolio update is overdue as my family was tested positive for COVID-19 and quarantined since the beginning of December. As a work-from-home dad, it's always a struggle to get any job done with two more people lying around the house 24/7.

But, that's enough with excuses.

In my last monthly report, which happened to be the first, I began by introducing you to my paid newsletter. I explained why there's a paywall to these articles and what you should expect from these letters. In effect, I sold the project.

This time I won't waste my subscribers' time and go straight to the meat.

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