
I jumped on the bandwagon of modern marketing and am running my own newsletter on this blog. I cunningly named the newsletter 'The Makos Letters". You may check previous issues here.

The newsletter includes

  • a free version that gets delivered to anyone sharing their email address with me.
  • a paid version offering an intimate behind-the-scenes peek and bits of actionable advice (also, a way to support me if I helped you in any way).

Free letters

I send free, personalized content to all my subscribers.

I do not send regular blog posts to keep your inbox uncluttered.

I do appreciate the value of inbox zero. I want you to achieve that, and emailing you twice a week or more will do more harm than good.

I write those blog posts to rank high in Google and other search engines for a particular topic. For that reason, I have to follow specific rules and a structure, toning down my personal tone. Nonetheless, I bet on quality over quantity and pour a ton of value into these posts.

Yet, it would be a pity for you as a subscriber to miss them. Thus, I only include the most recent ones as links in my free letters.

I try to niche down for these and pick evergreen keywords that people will search for years to come. Examples include:

So, what do my free letters are all about?

In my free letters, I share the following:

  1. What have I learned in the last few days or weeks? This allows for real talk and not worry about search engine ranking performance.
  2. I let you know about the new software I am excited to use and what I am up to lately.
  3. I show how I practice everything I share in public (the theory).
  4. I am answering questions I get in the mail.
  5. I am elaborating on thoughts on things I've shared on X recently.

Some examples that subscribers have enjoyed in the past include:

See how different the titles are?! You bet the content is, as well.

I launched my paid newsletter quietly in November 2021. At the time, I already had a few hundred subscribers, my most die-hard fans. I wanted to create a business that would force me to write regularly and help more people.

As a solo entrepreneur and advantage gambler, I provide a unique perspective on industries by combining skills that overlap those niches.

I consider my gambling background my unfair advantage.

I created a paid newsletter as collecting the information I am sharing costs both time and money. The information itself is sensitive, and I wouldn't like it to be publicly available.

Also, the information is often time-sensitive in the case of betting or investing. Think of odds shortening before we bet or asset price going 5% up before we buy.

As a paid subscriber, you can take advantage of my extensive gambling experience as I show how I make my money work for me.

This is the most useful data and content I have ever shared with the world. Note that I went online in 1995 (I'm old) and launched my blog in 2005 (I'm slow).

So, I needed some kind of reward for me to sit down and write these articles that include:

  • A quick letter every time I invest or talk about a new crypto coin, stock, or any kind of bet. Also, whenever I take action on a valuable tip. Like this. Or this.
  • [Currently discontinued] A new letter at the start of each month, discussing my portfolio's last month's performance. Also, things I'll be looking for next month. The first issue of my net worth breakdown is an excellent start to getting a feel for it. I no longer do this, but feel free to take a long look at those lengthy posts.
  • Exclusive letters of new projects, strategies, and plans to manage my wealth. I still haven't sent one, but I'm throwing this into the mix.

View the paid version as your token of appreciation for my work.

  • Did you read something here that helped you solve a problem and want to return the favor? Pay my phone bill this month.
  • Did your life change because of me? Pay my phone bill for a year!

If you have read this far, consider subscribing to the free letters and get to know me better.