Personal development · · 1 min read

How to Be Obsessed about Success in Life

To enjoy success in life, you must find what you are best at and be obsessed about it.

How to Be Obsessed about Success in Life

I recently heard that to enjoy success in life, you must find what you are best at and be obsessed about it. Notice they’re not suggesting to do what makes you happy or to follow your passion. Your talent, strengths, and skills might make you suitable for a profession that you find dull or even hate! Yet if you are so talented in something, you’ll be among the top professionals in that line of work. And that’s where the unprecedented success is found.

The first question that comes to mind is how to know what you are best at?

That’s why parents like myself take their kids in all sorts of activities while they’re very young. The sooner kids discover their talent, the more time they will have to be among the top one percent of that.

But what happens if we’re not kids anymore? Easy. You are best at anything people praise you for. Focus on opinions of acquaintances or total strangers. Friends and family tend to sugarcoat everything.

Take me, for example. People always wondered how I can remain so disciplined and calm when losing money. Thus I became obsessed with advantage gambling when I was younger. Recently, new friends have praised how good these videos look. So, I’m obsessed with making more videos.

Is it easy to become obsessed? If you find enjoyable what you are best at, obsession comes naturally. I was playing blackjack and online poker for ten hours straight. Nowadays I always carry a camera with me. But if you don’t enjoy it, you might struggle to be obsessed with it. Thus, you’ll end up average. And that’s the reason why most people are average. Either they ignore what they are best at, or they are obsessed with things they are not best at!

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