Health · · 1 min read

Morning Walk at Nikiti Beach, Halkidiki, Greece

I went for a morning walk at Nikiti Beach in Halkidiki, Greece, on a hot Sunday in mid-July.

Morning Walk at Nikiti Beach, Halkidiki, Greece

Friends invited us last weekend to their summerhouse at Nikiti Beach in Halkidiki, Greece.

We stayed up until late Saturday night, but that didn't stop me from going for my regular morning walk on Sunday morning. With just five hours of sleep, I grabbed my cameras and headed off to the beach before everyone woke up.

Obviously I didn't set any records in my walk. My watch reported that I walked 3km in... 2 hours! But my aim was to shoot as much footage as possible, so I have no complaints.

This is the first time I have posted a silent video where I don't talk at all.

I assume the video's audience will be:

It's not the first time I have visited Nikiti Beach, but it was the first time I filmed my morning walk here. Let me know if you have any questions and if you like this kind of video!

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