Letters · · 4 min read

Why I'll never give up my Bitcoins!

As Bitcoin's price hits new all-time highs, I'm sending this letter to my friends, full of resources and gems I found on the web this week. Happy reading!

Why I'll never give up my Bitcoins!

I'll pretend it hasn't been two months since I sent my last letter. So, welcome to another Sunday letter by yours truly.

Ten months ago I began documenting my journey to financial freedom. Today I filmed how I did financially in 2020. How much money I managed to save in lockdown and how I invested it in other words. Here's a hint: it's mostly thin air and it's certainly not cash!

A-cam shot from today's video. Wait, that didn't sound right!

I expect to have the video posted next week, so you'll hear from me sooner this time!

Moving on to notable resources and interesting conversations I ran across this week.

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