Letters · · 4 min read

She Made Me Delete This Video

Hardest part of video production? Spousal approval.

She Made Me Delete This Video
“No, no, I do not agree. I don’t want this video to go public.“

Those were my wife’s exact words as I was showing her a video that I had just uploaded to YouTube and was about to publish.

That’s another reason why we should first upload a video to YouTube as private. Even if our subscriber count is as tiny as mine.

We didn’t finish watching the video.

I stopped the playback and immediately deleted the video from my channel. Permanently. I will keep it on my hard drive locally, though.

“I’m sorry, my dear; I know you worked hard for it, but I don’t feel comfortable knowing everyone has access to this video.”

She is right; I did work hard on this video.

Turns out, the real editing happens after your spouse watches the video.

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