Letters · · 5 min read

Size Matters

It's what you think it is.


I like short newsletters.

My time is precious. My inbox, also.

That’s why I have built a filter to send all newsletters to my reader app and remove them from my Gmail (they’re auto-archived, in fact). Inbox zero.

So, I appreciate when someone I subscribed to their newsletters respects both of them.

But then again, I receive long newsletters that I go through from start to finish in one go.

How can I make my newsletters replicate that?

How can you have that experience when receiving a newsletter from me?

Well, this week, I came across a tweet that inspired me to change my newsletter format yet again.

But not this one.

According to the stats, last Friday’s issue outperformed all previous ones, hitting 8% CTR (usually around 1-2% with a 5% max).

I delete members when the email bounces or they unsubscribe

So, I need to work on my open rate. I need to make you excited when you get a letter from me. I need to send you more helpful content.

Here is how I plan to do that.

Alex reposted this, and that's how it ended up in my feed

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