Poker · · 2 min read

Texas Hold'em Poker to be allowed in Greek Casinos this month

Texas Hold'em Poker to be allowed in Greek Casinos this month

2 years ago I had posted a story about rumours that texas hold’em poker was about to be allowed in Greek casinos, but evidently that was not the case. Now such a development seems more favorable, as popular Greek poker forums claim it is a matter of days until the law is published in the government’s newspaper. Additionally, people have managed to take photos from the currently constructing poker rooms in Greek Casinos, further strengthening the speculation. The question is whether Greek online poker players will leave their office chair to visit the casinos.

Playing texas hold’em poker in Greek casinos has been a never ending dream for many Greek players, who are impatient to try their luck in real poker tables. Although I have not played a single poker hand in a real table, I certainly understand it would be a whole different experience. Professional players believe it will be like finding the goose with the golden eggs, since many recreational gamblers will join in and lose their stacks in a matter of minutes playing very bad poker. That is very probable and big gambling names are expected to take part in the beginning, punishing every little mistake the opposition makes. Considering they are capable of taking advantage of every minor mistake and there will be huge mistakes made by players used to playing blackjack, slot machines or roulettes, we are talking about a massacre.

On the other hand though, casinos don’t want to lose the money those people would spend in casino games otherwise. A gambler who loses thousands at roulette tables, will still lose his money on poker tables. However his money will end up to the good poker player, who won’t go on and spend it in roulette, but rather take it home. That is an unacceptable development for the casino administration who are afraid of taking a hit profit-wise.

That is why they applied pressure to the government as far as rake concerns. Rumors claim that the applied rake will be very high, allowing just a couple of players to leave as winners from a ten seated table. All that remains to be seen of course, but I won’t be surprised to find out that both government and casinos wanted to take as many money as possible from the new trend called texas hold’em poker.

See you at the poker tables, although I will continue spending most of my time playing online poker in my pyjamas!

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