Filmmaking · · 1 min read

Every Word Counts! The Time is Now | The 300 Words Show

The time for me to start a two-minute talk show where every word counts is now. The purpose of the show is to share quick thoughts I have with the world in just 300 words.

Every Word Counts! The Time is Now | The 300 Words Show

Time is now. Time for everything is now. The time to speak up is now. The time to work is now. The time to be with the family is now. The time to live is now.

And so, the time for me to start a two-minute talk show where every word counts is now.

The purpose of the show is to share quick thoughts I have with the world. When Twitter’s two-hundred and eighty characters are not enough and a blog post of a thousand words is an overkill, a short video sounds like the right choice for me. It shouldn’t last more than 2 minutes. But time is relative. So I opted to impose a word limit instead of a time limit. And an average person speaks one hundred and fifty words per minute. Therefore, I am setting the limit to three hundred words. Hopefully, I will speak fast.

In each episode, I will have three hundred words to share any opinion, thought or event I feel like sharing about. It won’t be perfect visually since most probably it will be me talking to the camera with the occasional b-roll. But this will allow me to focus on the story and not lose the inspiration when inspiration hits me. And inspiration can come from news, a book or life in general. Can’t really plan these things. But it has been numerous times when I had the urge to say something on camera, and I didn’t. So, no excuses from now on.

When I am allowed to say just three hundred words, every word counts. In a world where millions of words are written or spoken every minute, I have to carefully choose my next three hundred words.

Because time is running out. For everyone. And I’m already out of words.

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