Personal development · · 1 min read

Why I Stopped Watching the News

I quit following the news. I’m staying alert but not alarmed. I’m finding reliable sources and staying sane by keeping track of things that matter to me.

Why I Stopped Watching the News

Back in 2015, Greece was on the brick of exiting the Eurozone, after a lot of political drama. The country needed a bailout, lenders were asking for reforms, the government was hesitant and a referendum took place. Banks closed, people were allowed to withdraw only 60 euros per day for weeks and we were split into two sides. Those who wanted to stay in Europe, and those who believed in the so-called Grexit. It was a week of turmoil and great uncertainty and one that made me promise to myself to never again follow the news.

This past week I broke that promise. As the global economy was collapsing and stock markets tumbled due to a pandemic, I was lured into checking the news every hour. I was visiting the same news sites as I had done in 2015 and I was constantly checking out Twitter’s worldwide trends. At least this time it wasn’t just about this country. It didn’t take me long though, to realize that human stupidity is a global phenomenon.

Much like 5 years ago, I found myself falling behind in my business duties again. My inbox began filling up and productivity was eliminated. I even stopped making videos, which I genuinely enjoy spending time on. Instead of appreciating the fact that I’m used to working from home for years, I kept reading of political nonsense and losing my mind over worst-case scenarios. Over things that I can’t control and definitely won’t matter.

So, I quit following the news. I’m staying alert but not alarmed. It only takes an hour to understand how the economy works and the consequences of the pandemic. Once again, I’m finding reliable sources and staying sane by keeping track of things that matter to me. I’m avoiding noise and certainly toxic comments.

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