Horse racing trading in Betfair can make a lot of money if you know how to trade. Obviously these Betfair traders are very good at it and they are not shy about it! They show their daily winnings in their gambling blogs, where they have set their goals to make more than £100,000 this year! By having days that they won £1,000 or more I can’t see how they can’t accomplish that!
The two horse racing traders I’m talking about are Adam Heathcote and John the “Preracetrader”. While John is trying to turn £1,000 into £100,000 in 12 months, Adam has set his goal at £150,000. Setting goals isn’t that spectacular but winning more than £1,000 in a daily basis by trading the Betfair horse racing markets before the off is surely amazing! Don’t take my word for that, take a look at some of their screenshots posted at their trading blogs:
Taken from John’s trading blog:

Taken from Adam’s trading blog:

Many horse racing traders have found the Betfair betting markets getting difficult each year but that is apparently not the case for these Betfair traders. I guess we all have a lot of questions for them, so send them in by emailing or commenting in the trading blogs.