Two losing days during the weekend cost 5 EV buy-ins at micro stakes, while the actual losses were more than five. Monday on the contrary was a great day, running very well and I managed to recoup the weekend’s losses and make even more. I completed 3 sessions at the poker tables yesterday, two 2-hour sessions and one that lasted 3 hours for a total of 7 hours of actual play. Each of those seven hours brought about $75 in EV adjusted winnings for a total of almost 11 buy-ins. I was also quite lucky to run even better and win more than 16 buy-ins!

Holdem Manager poker software has some issues regarding the summary tab. For example, total session length is 20 hours, which is far from the truth. Adding up the sessions’ minutes gives more than 40 hours. What’s more clicking at the sessions’ tab to check out yesterday’s individual session, the EV adjusted winnings seem to miss a buy-in, although the number of hands remains the same! For the time being I’m going with the Sessions by Day tab and maybe I’ll have a look at Poker Tracker software to find out if there are any errors there as well.

Monday was the first day I played at midnight (Eastern European time – GMT+2). Besides the increased available poker tables, the games were notably softer. Fish calling down 2 streets and giving up on river (I recall bluffing the river countless times), super aggressive players having problems when facing a semi-bluff (or total air) raise and very tight ones who seemed to play fit or fold and were easily pushed away from the pots. I can also remember a couple of players who played all of their hands! Yes, that is a 100% VPIP statistic for over 100 hands with almost zero 3bet-fold percentage! At times I was raising Q9o against them for value!
I found out that peak hours at Pokerstars are between 21:00 and 23:00 EET, since at 1AM there were 180K players online, reduced from 250K a couple of hours earlier. No wonder the games’ softness at that time with such a huge players’ pool.