Web publishing · · 3 min read

Is Web Publishing Becoming More Difficult? How Publishers Achieve High Results

Supercharge your web traffic with influencer charm, snazzy videos, and a community that’s more loyal than your morning coffee!

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

In the publishing world, we see media sources that heavily rely on advertisements and affiliate marketing programs, or those trying to finance their teams with direct contributions from readers. None of these approaches work perfectly well given the fact that web publishing has truly become more difficult than ever before. If in the beginning, platforms would think of each other as competitors, now they all are in the same group, trying to fight against a common rival - social media. 

News consumption on social media platforms is a big deal, given the fact that many users don’t even check other websites separately, instead, they just scroll the social media newsfeed and try to have a good catch of the latest news. When we analyze the report of the Pew Research Center, it’s obvious that leading social media platforms are also the leaders when it comes to people’s preference on where to read or watch a story. This trend eliminates the publishers’ hopes to boost organic viewership on their websites and monetize their content.

In this article, we will uncover several strategies that help publishers stay on top of the media game and ensure high user traffic.

The lesson of gaming platforms

It may seem counterintuitive, but digital publishers can benefit from studying online gaming platforms, particularly online casinos. These platforms have mastered the art of attracting and retaining users. Consider some of the best online poker websites, for example. They do not passively await players but actively seek them through social media and strategic influencer partnerships.

These specialized gaming influencers are highly effective for these platforms. They possess dedicated followings that eagerly consume their content, and when they endorse an online poker site, it significantly impacts player acquisition. Moreover, these strategies have contributed to a growth in the number of poker players.

What can other web publishers learn from this? The answer lies in collaboration. Partnering with influential figures within a specific niche can substantially enhance a brand's visibility and reputation. It involves more than simply displaying a logo on someone's post. Identifying influencers who genuinely understand and appreciate the content is crucial to effectively reach their audience.

Imagine a respected technology influencer enthusiastically recommending your latest article on AI advancements. Their endorsement would likely drive a surge in readership, akin to amplified word-of-mouth marketing. Additionally, it fosters trust, making potential readers more inclined to engage with your content.

Video content is a traffic enhancer

If video content is not yet a priority for your organization, a substantial opportunity is being missed. Video has transitioned from a valuable asset to an indispensable component for publishers. Contemporary audiences exhibit a preference for visual content over text-based formats, and data supports this trend.

A report predicts that video will constitute 82% percent of all internet traffic by 2025. Furthermore, viewers retain a bigger portion of information when presented in video format compared to when presented in text. This substantial difference underscores the effectiveness of video for message delivery.

Beyond retention, videos extend user session duration, a crucial metric for engagement. Wistia reports a 1,4X increase in time spent on pages containing video. Additionally, social media platforms have observed a tenfold growth in engagement for tweets accompanied by video.

Because of these numbers, publishers need to focus on making creative videos. This includes videos that explain things, show behind-the-scenes stuff, interviews, and short videos for places like TikTok or Instagram Reels. Even though it's good to have professional-looking videos, being real often works better.

In the end, video isn't just an option anymore; it's a must-have for successful content. To get more people to visit your site and keep them interested, you have to use videos.

The power of community building

In the pursuit of viewership and clicks, a critical element is often overlooked: community building. Rather than solely disseminating articles or videos, the focus should shift towards creating a space where the audience feels interconnected.

Social media platforms, full of continuously evolving trends, owe their immense success to the fulfillment of our innate desire for connection. This principle can be effectively applied to individual platforms. Forums, comment sections, and live Q&A sessions are tools that can cultivate a sense of community among readers or viewers.

Reddit serves as a prime example of a platform built upon user-generated content and community interaction. Additionally, certain news outlets employ tools to foster constructive and meaningful discussions within comment sections.

Having readers who come back again and again, because they like the content and the discussions, is really good for any publisher if they want steady traffic. But it's even better to have an active community because they give great feedback and ideas. They tell us what kind of content they like, what we can improve, and even suggest new stories.

These are some of the most popular ways publishers currently rely on to enhance their website visibility and boost organic viewership. Sometimes they can be incorporated into one another for a better result, but depending on the website and its goals, only one or two principles can work perfectly and without distractions.

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