Working from home · · 1 min read

Working from home during a health crisis

Working from home is not available to everyone out there. Think of people who will struggle financially due to this virus that is already crippling the world economy.

Working from home during a health crisis

While everyday life is upset worldwide due to a virus and the global economy grinds to a halt, working from home or remotely becomes a lot popular. For introverts and people who hate being among crowds, it’s a blessing. For those who are used to run a business from home, it’s business as usual unless they are parents and have to take care of their kids. Like myself who have to keep my business running and work from home while pretending to be in high spirits during play with my daughter.

For everyone else, it’s a big change. Still, they are lucky to have work to do. And work equals money. At times like this when the world stands still and everyone stays at home, many people will see their income shrink. Working in travel, hotel or retail industry is going to be a real struggle, as business plummets and revenue is non-existent. When there is no money coming in for a company, its employees will inevitably suffer economically. Being unemployed, having no income stream and more crucially, not having an emergency fund that will guarantee survival at this difficult time are no fun. If you have cash lying around that covers your living expenses for the next three months will ensure you make it through.

Surely where there is a problem, there is an opportunity but fighting for survival leads to panic which prevents logical thinking. Thus, working from home is not available to everyone out there, unfortunately. So, let’s take a moment to think of people who will really struggle financially due to this virus that is already crippling the world economy. And let’s not forget that health is more important than wealth and money and our thoughts are with elderly members of the family. Stay safe everyone.

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