Working from home · · 2 min read

Working from home just got easier

If you are working from home and struggling with newborn babies, be patient. Things will get better. Don't push yourselves and invest time in your family.

Working from home just got easier

Working from home got easier today, as our little girl spent 4 hours at preschool for the first time. I was so excited that I bought mpougatsa on my way home to celebrate with her mother!

But let’s take it from the beginning.

Woke up a bit early in the morning, right before dawn. Inspired by other vloggers, I grabbed my camera and began filming. I didn’t have a plan, I just wanted to take some shots.

Then the family was up and we began preparing for the school. By the way, she’s almost two and a half.

Got her into the car and drove to school at around 9:30. When we arrived, it was the first time since we started taking her to  preschool this week that she didn’t look back and went straight into her class. I was out in the streets in a matter of minutes!

The excitement led me to a bakery shop on my way home. You see, I have been spending hundreds of hours with the kid since she was born, that my work has taken a serious hit. We had decided beforehand to give our whole selves into raising her and for two years both I and her mother put everything behind so that we stay true to that decision. And we did. In fact, I talked about that decision in my latest blog post.

For me becoming the best dad possible was far greater than launching new websites, publishing articles and taking my business forward. That can always come later. But my girl will never be 1 year old again.

At times though, I could really use a break. And now that she has had enough of me, having learnt to walk, talk and play all kinds of things, it’s time to take a step back and let her explore the world on her own. Besides, I will always be here for her.

So, here I am finding again some time for myself after such a long time. The rational thing to do is to get back to work as soon as possible. I might just do that and start creating useful content. Or I might prolong that and dive into video gaming for just a little, as I have terribly missed it.

If you are working from home and struggling with newborn babies, be patient. Things will get better. Don’t push yourselves, accept that you do not have the time to do everything perfect and make the most out of your time with your family. Hopefully the work you’ve done by now should pay the bills while you work less than part-time! Remember, the secret is to make money while you’re sleeping.

Until next time, ya hara!

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