Writing · · 4 min read

Writing for a reason: What will your next post accomplish?

Why do you write? What do you sell? Combine your replies and you'll have a good reason to write your next post. Writing and marketing can work hand in hand.

Writing for a reason: What will your next post accomplish?

If you like writing, you must already have a blog, right? It’s nice to let your blog’s readers know of your feelings, news, or any advice you want to share. It’s even nicer to let the whole world know of all that, the moment you hit the “Publish” button. But wouldn’t be nicer if you were rewarded with something more than just… traffic?

When I started blogging in 2005, it was because I wanted to better communicate with other internet users.

People were sending me emails, asking me the same things over and over again. They were finding my email address at forums and online communities I participated in. I had been active on them, but my opinion was scattered among various online places.

So, I began blogging to:

  • Publish my answer to an email, that would also serve as a guide for future inquiries and will ultimately save me time
  • Post my opinion at a specific place instead of all over the internet
  • Own a website with my name on it
  • Become famous, make millions and retire before 30

The first 3 points continue to be valid after 10 years of launching my blog. Indeed, they are the reasons this blog still exists.

The fourth and obviously humorous point needs elaborating. Besides, it’s the topic of this article. Because, for many bloggers, that is the main purpose of blogging: to make money.

But, wait a moment.

Why do you write?

To make money? I thought you liked writing. If you liked playing chess, would you expect to make money? What about if you liked sports, eating out, driving, hiking, watching TV? Do you know many people making money for… watching television?

But here you are, thinking that writing could make you money in modern times of online blogging.

I know. You’ve heard the stories of professional bloggers. They are making thousands of dollars each year. Why not you, huh?

Ok, here’s the secret. Just think of the first answer that comes to your mind for the next question.

What do you sell?

Nothing? Nada? You can’t think of anything you want to sell, right?

That’s the problem of a passionate writer turning into an online blogger. He has no product to sell.

Why don’t you turn into an author then if you enjoy writing? First, write a book. Presto! Now you do have a product to sell!

Blogging will get you traffic for your book. Readers will turn into buyers and your book sales will increase.

Better yet, you don’t need to write a whole book! Even a short e-book will appeal to your readers, as long as you convince them they need to buy it. Convincing done right is often known as… marketing!

Hm, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself there. Not all bloggers have dreamt of writing an actual e-book, let alone a real book! And most of them are totally ignorant of marketing techniques.

Alright, so you decide to start your blog. Google’s BlogSpot and WordPress have made it easy for you.

You just need to write. You begin writing. Every day. You keep filling the blog with your daily rumblings. Your blog gets some traction painfully slow. Readers return and first-time visitors increase by the day.

You begin writing. Every day. You keep filling the blog with your daily rumblings. Your blog gets some traction painfully slow. Readers return and first-time visitors increase by the day.

You are doing something right. Your writing performs well. People are coming back to read your opinion. Great!

Now, what to sell them? I thought you wanted to make money, didn’t you?

Write your next post for a reason

Here’s where I have been wrong for years. Like yourself, I thought that blog monetization is all about these eye-candy, colorful, jumping all over the page, flashy, attractive… banners.


As long as you are writing top-notch articles, banners would make you money, right? As if your smart readers cared enough for the banners! Because they are smart, aren’t they? They are reading your posts! Doesn’t your writing appeal to smart people?

When was the last time you clicked on a banner?

Exactly. Gone are the days when online advertising meant banners and text links on the sidebar and footer.

Whew, whew!

Now, bloggers are writing for a reason. It doesn’t have to be about making money. Reasons can include:

  1. Increasing your blog’s page views by linking to old, resurrecting posts
  2. Introducing yourself to your new visitors, calling them to visit your well-written “about me” page (you do have one, huh?)
  3. Letting your audience know of your recently updated blog’s resources page (or super page)
  4. Inviting people to a charity event
  5. Directing people to sign a petition
  6. Informing them of your hyperactivity at social media

Of course, all these might have other well-concealed goals. Let’s see how:

  1. Increased page views will attract more advertisers
  2. More hits to your “about me” page will result in more followers or emails
  3. Your affiliate and advertising links at your resources’ page will welcome the extra incoming traffic
  4. Charity events get more publicity, usually for free
  5. A successful petition will boost your authority. Readers will be happy to connect with you, now that you share the same concerns
  6. Who doesn’t like more followers and heated discussions on social media?

One way or another, your writing and blogging will benefit yourself. But first, before you begin writing the first word, you have to think about why you are writing. What do you want your next article to accomplish?

If all that sounds like a plan, it’s because it is!

Planning in writing and blogging, if done right, will bring more results faster. Otherwise, your blog will end up like a book with torn pages. Your readers won’t know where to go next. So guide them! Just don’t turn yourself into an aggressive promoter, worrying about your blogging income.

As long as you enjoy writing your posts, your blog’s visitors will enjoy reading them. Success will follow.

Featured image via Flickr

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