Shopping from Amazon? Add it to your cart but don’t buy it. Monitor its price over the coming weeks. You’ll be surprised how much it fluctuates.
I was considering adding another identical monitor to my setup two months ago and had added it to the cart on the French Amazon site. At the time it cost 800EUR. Then it increased to 1,000 and reached 1,250 (!!!) during the holidays.
Then all of a sudden it dropped back to 1,000EUR last week and by Friday I could buy it for 762EUR! Although I had changed my mind of upgrading to a dual-monitor setup (I used to have a quad-monitor setup!), the discounted price made me think about it during the weekend.
Today, right after the weekend Amazon let me know its price increased once again!

Mind you, this is far from the first time I’ve witnessed some crazy fluctuations in Amazon pricing.
Maybe there’s an opportunity here too for buying low and selling high! After trading sports odds, stocks and cryptocurrencies, it’s time to trade… monitors! :P
EDIT: Since I posted this on Twitter, someone pointed me towards dynamic pricing algorithms:
If you google about it, you’ll learn more about how and why prices change. Fascinating stuff. Algorithms everywhere!
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash