Writing · · 5 min read

How to regularly update your blogs, by writing less

If you enjoy writing, you write, unless you have a dozen of blogs to update regularly. Read how I regularly add fresh content to my blogs, by writing less!

How to regularly update your blogs, by writing less

You might have noticed that I write by the name Jim Makos in English and Greek for various websites, my own as well as those of a number of partners. Sometimes I write about poker, other times about online betting and yet some others about entrepreneurship. Lately, I also write about photography! That’s a lot of work that may look impossible to deliver. Or at least so it seems.

Well, writing is not the exhausting part. It’s the regular publishing of my articles online that requires a lot of effort.

If I had only one blog, just one (1), my job would definitely be much easier. My whole work in writing would be published online on that very blog. Obviously, the maintenance of a single website instead of 2-3 is more convenient.

However, here I am administering half a dozen of them, which, in turn, reduces my spare time for writing.

Wait! How come I keep alive 5 blogs?

Understandably, your first question is about the plethora of blogs. What is the reason for such a decision? Well, the answer is simple: each blog covers a specific niche or a different language. Niche content is targeting distinct audience and, hopefully, interested advertisers.

For example, BetStories is a blog written in English about betting, while TradingGraphs is about stock market and… trading, whereas StoiximaOnline explains in Greek how games of chance and investments work. Not long ago, PokerTape was also launched, featuring some interesting videos I have created about poker. Last but not least my personal blog has kicked off, where I am posting these few lines that you are reading this very moment.

Generally, it helps into the success of a blog if the content is focused on a specific subject of interest, on a niche. However, this is not the case for this blog, because I gather here most of my writing you can find online. After all, it’s a personal blog, damn it! And personal means exactly that! I write whatever I like and that’s the way it is!

Either way, you are not going to see a single ad on this blog. And that’s a promise.

So, all these blogs require new content almost daily. New articles. But, how am I supposed to write new articles every day in order to keep all my blogs updated? If I don’t they will die. The fans will disappear and their URLs will be removed from their favorites’ list. My websites will be lost in oblivion.

It was not really my purpose in life to be an author or article writer. However, advantage gambling is a “job” that can lead to extreme loneliness. So, right from the beginning I had that urge to write. Not to mention that in school I always enjoyed composition.

At the same time, I was lucky enough to live in the modern age of internet (the truth is I have been undeniably fortunate in my life so far). Internet created the need for original, helpful and unique content. In this context, my work got the attention of a few people who considered it worth sharing online, on the vast cyberspace of the internet. So I did. And my readers encouraged me to continue with their likes, shares and retweets. I had also a number of offers to write for other websites. Imagine that!

So, how do I add content to 5 blogs?

The truth is that up until recently this task was extremely arduous. Especially, because writing is not my main endeavor, even though it is the most rewarding!

During the day I am engaged in other activities, trying to pinpoint opportunities which would be worth putting my money at risk. At the same time, I leak some info onto my social media pages, just to keep you posted on the specifics. When I find a gap in-between I start writing articles. But I often get distracted or it happens I am not really in the mood at that moment. This is probably why I prefer to write late at night.

NOTE: When I mention writing and blogging I refer to all these necessary steps that I should complete before the final “product” reaches your screens. In other words, the content must be well presented and at the same time compelling so Google’s search engine loves it.

Meanwhile, in the last few years I have concentrated my efforts into blogging in Greek, putting aside the rest. This, of course, is a huge mistake if your goal is to remain competitive globally. Yet, that doesn’t bother me that much, given the response of my readers has been impressive so far. They deserve it!

Nevertheless, I have decided to organize my work differently from now on.

  1. All my articles will be written in Greek, in their original form. You see, I lost confidence in my English-writing skills lately. As a matter of fact, it comes natural to me putting my thoughts “on paper” using these peculiar and foreign to the western world letters.
  2. As far as concerns articles about betting, stocks, poker and the industry of gambling in general, the content will be published on the website StoiximaOnline before it is republished on this personal blog, a few hours or days later. If the article is about some other subject of interest, it will be launched directly on my blog (such as my recent article about how I share my photos to social media). For example, what you read right now is published for the first time here, on my personal blog. That’s why I announced just a few days ago my willingness to write on this blog in both languages.
  3. Each article will be translated by professionals in the field. Skipping the translation and focusing on other more important activities should save me valuable time, while at the same time I will provide work to a number of other people. Hopefully, that will be a win-win scenario. Sure, the decision incurs costs. However, I hope that at the end of the day rewards would outnumber costs (see about reward/risk ratio). Isn’t this the ultimate goal of every entrepreneur?
  4. Depending on the subject matter, each article will be published on the relevant aforesaid English-speaking blog, or on the website of a partner.
  5. Finally, the English version will be republished on my personal blog.

In sum, everything I write from now on will be CERTAINLY published here, on my personal blog, JimMakos.com. No matter if the article is originally written in English or Greek, sooner or later you will be able to read it here in both languages.

Therefore, if you are among the readers who enjoy my writing or, on the other hand, you find it awful but useful – because everything you have learned out of my articles proved helpful – you don’t have but to follow this blog or me personally through the social network of your choice, in order not to miss a word.

However, be alarmed: spending much time on the blog may seriously affect your judgment.

Feature image from my Flickr

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